Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Vick has served his time

Former NFL quarterback stud Michael Vick this week finished his 23-month jail sentence for bankrolling an horrific and illegal dog fighting operation.

Vick has indicated his desire to play top level football again but he is currently under an indefinite suspension handed down before his custodial sentencing by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

His release from prison (and home detention) means Vick is now free to settle back into society and with that process should come the right to re-renter the workforce which for him would mean coming back to the NFL.

In a nutshell, Vick has served his time for this abhorrent crime and deserves a second chance. Goodell should reinstate the ex-Atlanta Falcons and Va-Tech star poste-haste and give each of the 32 clubs in the NFL the opportunity to decide if they wish to employ someone with Vick's character.

Personally if I was the GM of one of these multi-million dollar franchises I would be very hesitant to have Vick on my books (even though he was my favourite player for many years) because I believe he is too high a risk to run foul of the law again. Just my opinion. But I think each of the 32 clubs, and Vick himself, deserve the right to make that decision independently of the NFL.

If nobody picks him up, fine. But at least give him the chance. He's done his time.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm interesting?

    Should he be allowed to earn millions playing a game he took for granted? other professions such as teaching, law enforcement, and medicine would not be so kind to take back an offender, in fact in many professions you would lose your career for alot less.

    Sports stars get paid alot of money. They live the dream of millions of kids the world over. they know going into the profession the media scrutiny they will be under, but they also know the extent to which they will be admired and placed on a pedastal. its a double edged sword, but the stars know the deal. stardom is not new anymore.

    Surely Vick knew by committing such horrendous crimes that he would place his career in jeprody? He knew the stakes and ultimately will have to live with his decision. Vick knew the rules before he played the game.

    unfortunatly the strange celebrity world we live in dictates that the stars will fall. i do not agree with this, but i do not feel sorry for vick. he probably earnt more in a season than i will in a life time. for playing a game? my we live in a messed up world.....
