Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I don't care about your kid Kim

I received an email today from my buddy Morgo who had written to a newspaper's letters section about a topic I had considered blogging about.

Now that he has put it so well I am going to (with his permission) just post his thoughts with my full support.

Over to you Morgo:

"Kim Clijsters bringing her daughter onto the court after her remarkable US Open win finally motivated me to put finger to keyboard on this issue. It is becoming increasingly common for sports stars to include their children in post game/match/event celebrations, and I find it abhorrent.

Firstly, I think it is arrogant of the sports-parent to think that the public are interested in seeing their children when they have come to see the sports-parent (and team-mates where relevant) perform, celebrate and be rewarded for their achievements. Secondly, and even more importantly, I believe allowing the children to share in this privileged experience is doing the wrong thing by them, especially when they are permitted to be part of any presentation in front of large crowds. What lesson might this teach the child about hard work and rewards, and how may it impact upon their enjoyment of far lesser achievements as they grow up? If the sports-parent wants to share their success with their children let them do it away from the public eye, for the sake of the spectators and the children.

And if it’s OK for children to be involved where will it stop; what about Mum or Dad, or Grandma or Uncle Joe, or the faithful family dog?"

Couldn't have said it better myself. Or should I start on the Hewitt's bringing the kid they hide from general news media onto the stage at the Logies??

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