Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Serena redefines arrogance

Much has been said and written about Serena Williams' absolutely disgusting behaviour in her US Open semi final at the weekend.

Her ghetto guttermouth outburst at a line judge, while reprehensible for an athlete of her age and experience, was nothing compared to the arrogant, ignorant and sad show she put on in the hours and days afterwards.

The pathetic debacle that saw her issue a PR statement via a publicist only to 'forget' to do the one thing that might have saved her from a lasting legacy surrounding this mess - apologise - was laughable. The desperate second apology statement was then a very little, a lot late.

Did she really think she could get away with the "I don't remember line"?

Maybe she didn't remember everything that happened in the heat of the battle - we have all been fired up in situations where we later couldn't recall exactly what we've said. But surely she could have thrown in an apology around the amnesia!

"I can't remember exactly what I said but I know it was horribly wrong and I am sincerely sorry" ..... or something to that affect??? Or maybe even suck it up and leave out the "I can't remember".

My friend and fellow blogger at www.sportdownunder.com.au explains it well in his latest post entitled "How Not To Apologise".

This is arrogance to a T.

Or a S for Serena actually and I for one am not surprised that this has happened.
For many years now this brat has talked down to opponents, treating other obviously less talented players with all the humility and grace of...well...of Serena Williams.

Put simply she is a bad sport whose vain attempts to add humour to press conferences often end up with a room full of cringe. And wouldn't it be nice for once in her decorated career if Serena was to commend an opponent when she has been beaten fair and square? No excuses, no disrespect.

Serena now wants us all to learn from this and move on. I bet she does.

Now it's up to the Grand Slam Committee to show her some respect. As in, show her how to respect match officials, her opponents and most of all our intelligence. As in Grand Slam suspension respect.

I for one will be appalled if she shows up back in Australia next January at all, let alone if it's out of shape and full of BS excuses if she gets her sizable booty kicked.

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