Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If you don't play take it off!

There are few things i like more in life than going to the footy with my mates and having a few beers.

I also like to cheer loudly for my team, yell at the ref to 'get 'em onside' and heap abuse on the opposition. I am even prepared to clap the other mob if they do something really cool.

And i like other people to do the same. If you've paid the freight to get in you should be allowed to support your team as enthusiastically as possible.

But i will not, under any circumstances, condone the wearing of a football jersey by an adult male. Unless you are about to come off the interchange bench (which you're not), take the jersey off. You look like a douche bag!!!

You've all seen the guy I'm talking about. You know, the dude with his Wallaby jersey tucked into his jeans under his RM Williams jacket or the Bulldogs fan with the jersey over his adidas hoodie.

Jerseys are for players. And kids. If you are over 16 you should be over the jersey. That's it, period.

There is only one thing worse and that's the tight-arse who is still wearing the jersey of the guy who left your club two years before. If he has left, or retired, he doesn't play in the team anymore!

Buy the polo, a stubbie holder or even one of those gay things that you stick on the back window of your car but do not wear the jersey.

You don't see motor racing fans wearing one of those fireproof jumpsuits to a race or a surfing fan rocking up to the Billabong Pro in a wetsuit so why would you wear a jersey to a football match.

And don't get me started on blokes that lob to an AFL match with a sleeveless vest on!!!


  1. what if you are wearing a jersey that you got as a kid? is that the exception to the rule?

  2. Merchandise is one of the biggest earners for sport globally. If fans didn't buy merchandise (of which jerseys are the big sellers) then both athletes and clubs would lose out financially and the value add for sponsors would be diluted.

    It's easy to say the adult wearing a jersey looks like a boofhead, but ask the sponsors, the clubs and most importantly the athletes and you'll find a very different point of view.

    It's called support and it brings in more money for your team than your clapping and yelling at the ref.

  3. A jersey you got as a kid is no excuse although i must admit throwback jerseys are slightly more acceptable than a current version

  4. I like it when dorks wear footy jerseys because then you know who to avoid engaging in conversation..

  5. whats worse is women who wear football jerseys. very unattractive.
